It’s Better to Give than Receive

It’s Better to Give than Receive

04-07-2014 It’s Better to Give than Receive Mommy always says it’s better to give than receive. Mommy also told me about a study that was done that says giving makes people (and dogs and cats) happier. I believe that because sometimes I share my treats with my sister...
It’s Better to Give than Receive

Grand Opening!

04-04-2014 We’re Having a Grand Opening! Wow. Lost Our Home’s Grand Opening is almost here and I don’t even know what to wear! I’m the official mascot and already should have gone shopping with my mommy but she has been so busy trying to put together the whole...
It’s Better to Give than Receive

Peanut’s Birthday Blog 03-31-2014

03-31-2014 Peanut’s Birthday Blog Hi I’m Peanut. It’s my birthday and the official first day of my blog! I’m cute as a button and the mascot at Lost Our Home Pet Foundation, better known as Lost Our Home or LOH. I’m most probably a Papillion /Chihuahua mix, so you can...